The Zodiac Sign of Pisces rules from February 19 to March 20 of a year.
Pisces-born people often hide their light under a bushel. They are very social and sensitive. They are known for their selflessness. They are recommended to be careful when taking strong medicines. The zodiac sign of Pisces stands for an extremely good intuition, sensitivity and reverie. The world is viewed through rose-colored glasses.
- Element: Water
- Color: White, purple, violet
- Numerology: Number 12
- Planet assignment: Neptune, alternatively Jupiter
- Quality: changeable
- Feminine sign
- Weekday: Thursday

Positive Aspects
The zodiac sign Pisces stands for helpfulness, selflessness, devotion, sacrifice and compassion. Pisces-born people perceive higher inspirations and energies. They also strive for spirituality and have high self-love. People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces can accept the developments of life as they shape up. They have a musical talent, forgive easily, are adaptable and altruistic. Pisces can rejoice well with others.
Negative Aspects
The Pisces are dreamers and flee from reality. They lack assertiveness, are unworldly, chaotic and are acquisitive. They lack backbone. They are not stable and live a victim role. They have strong tendencies to addiction and a masochistic streak. They tend to selfishness and self-deception, are overly romantic as well as extremely emotional. There is a martyr in them. They are too easily deceived and they are naive.
Regions of the body addressed: Feet, toes, calcaneus
- weak feet
- Foot ailments
- rheumatism
- gout
- drunkenness
- poisoning
- insidious, indefinable ailments
- infectious diseases
- psychosomatics
Legal Notice About The Diseases
For legal reasons, it is expressly stated at this point that the information given does not include medical advice, diagnosis, recommendation or treatment.
Following the astrological traditions, the mentioned areas belong to the health weak points of the concerned zodiac signs, which can occur, but by no means have to be present.
In case of existing complaints, a doctor or therapist should always be consulted.
The listed overview of the possible diseases has no claim to completeness.
All Zodiac Signs at a glance HERE.