The energetic meaning of the natural number 0 is described with the beginning of everything. It symbolizes everything and nothing at the same time. Overview Zero is the only number that is neither positive nor negative. It is considered neutral. The expression null and void makes it clear that something is invalid. The expression zero weiterlesen | read more:
Number Meaning
Number meaning or number symbolism is a subject area in which numbers are interpreted on an energetic level. In everyday life we encounter numbers in many ways. Among the best known are telephone and house numbers, birth dates, car license plates or clock times. Often in methods such as astrology or tarot, the number meaning is included. In numerology, the emphasis is on the calculation of various significant numbers. The number mysticism uses additionally the letters, which are assigned in each case to a number. In this way also names can be converted into numbers. The meaning of the numbers is used to determine energetic harmonies or to recognize imbalances and to initiate changes.
Meaning Number 1
The energetic meaning of the natural number 1 can be described very briefly with the word new beginning. In addition, the one is an indication of the interconnectedness of all living and spiritual beings. Overview The odd digit one lies between zero and two. It is considered the smallest natural number and is a divisor weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 2
The meaning of the number 2 can be described as duality, togetherness, and forming bonds or relationships. Overview The even number 2 is a prime number and is located between the one and the three. All even numbers are divisible by 2. The natural number two is the smallest prime number and the only number weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 3
The meaning of the number 3 can be described as optimism, luck and success. The number stands for moving forward and further development. Overview The odd digit 3 is a prime number and is located between the digits two and four. It is the first odd prime number. Prime numbers are divisible only by themselves weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 4
The meaning of the number 4 is found in the word pragmatism. The number four is a number that brings grounding and order. It is a very practical number. Overview The even number 4 is a natural number between three and five. The number four is a square number. These are numbers that are created weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 5
The meaning of the number 5 can be described as zest for life, fun and adventure. Tristess does not exist. Instead, the urge for freedom provides excitement. Overview The odd number 5 is a natural number between four and six. The number five is a prime number and therefore divisible only by itself. If the weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 6
The meaning of the number 6 can be described as peace and harmony. The sense is for everything beautiful, a cozy home, the animals and the welfare of the family. Overview The even number 6 is a natural number between the five and the seven. There is no other number whose product and sum consists weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 7
The meaning of the number 7 is described very briefly with the word emotionality. The number symbolizes power, changes, the spirituality and travel. Overview The odd number 7 is located between the six and the eight. The natural number is a prime number and therefore divisible only by itself. The spelling of 7 in handwriting weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 8
The meaning of the number 8 can be described with infinity. The number 8 stands for success, career and repetition. Overview The even number 8 is located between the seven and the nine. The natural number is a cube number. This is created when a natural number is multiplied twice by itself: 8=2x2x2. In Chinese weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 9
The meaning of the number 9 is described with perfection and the end of a cycle. Something new will come into being, because for the current situation all learning tasks will be reached shortly. Overview The odd number 9 is located between the eight and the ten. The natural number is a square number, which weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 10
The meaning of the number 10 includes unity and a new beginning. A new life cycle begins, a change of profession takes place or a new project is started. Overview The even number 10 is located between the nine and the eleven. The number ten represents the basis of the decimal system. We humans have weiterlesen | read more:
Meaning Number 11
The energetic meaning of the natural number 11 is described in terms of sensitivity, sudden events and avoidance. Overview The odd number eleven lies between the ten and the twelve. It is a prime number. Eleven is the first liquor number and it is associated with sin or intemperance from the historical point of view. weiterlesen | read more: