The swan represents the beauty, grace and grace. The faithful animal is at the same time an important symbol in partnership matters. In addition, he shows the possibility of transformation. Overview The swan lives mainly in the northern hemisphere of our planet. In the summer months, it likes to breed in European regions located on weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
Swifts bring the independence, freedom and the pursuit of carefree. This animal helps to clear the head and feel emotionally lighter. Overview Swifts have strong visual and lifestyle similarities to swallows, but are not related to this suborder of songbirds. The swift in particular is almost indistinguishable from the passerine birds in the sky. Swifts weiterlesen | read more:
The swordfish brings the advancement and promotes the wanderlust. In addition, it brings the assertiveness. Overview Swordfish are solitary fish native to the Atlantic, Pacific or Indian Oceans. The fish are predatory and diurnal. The bony fish can travel well over a thousand kilometers. In doing so, it reaches speeds of over 100 km/h. Female weiterlesen | read more:
Tadpoles are a symbol of growth and development. In addition, they represent the simplicity of life and immaturity. Overview Tadpoles are larvae of frogs and thus belong to the amphibians. They hatch from laid eggs and are therefore born in water. They are in the process of developing into a juvenile frog or toad. The weiterlesen | read more:
The tanuki or raccoon dog brings the loyalty, self-reflection and vitality. One’s instincts lead the way and at the same time friendship and loyalty are rewarded. Overview The raccoon dog is also called tanuki, fruit dog or enok. The predator belongs to the family of dogs and is related to foxes. Visually, there are similarities weiterlesen | read more:
The tapir indicates a mental imbalance on the energetic level. Withdrawal behavior isolates and promotes fear. The need for protection is increased. Überblick Visually, the tapir resembles a pig with a shortened elephant trunk. However, the closest relatives of the quadruped are horses and rhinos. The herbivore is a good swimmer, although it moves very weiterlesen | read more:
Tasmanian Devil
A Tasmanian Devil brings out the unconscious forces. He warns of unexpected enemies and unwanted magical influences. Overview Tasmanian Devils belong to Australia’s marsupials and has no conspecifics. They are the largest carnivorous marsupials and nocturnal quadrupeds. Their diet includes wombats, birds, insects, frogs or reptiles. They live in forest or coastal areas, can climb weiterlesen | read more:
The Taurus is full of energy, drive and vital strength. With his horns he takes on opponents and imposes his will. The animal symbolizes the masculine power. Overview A sexually mature male bovine animal is called a bull or bull. It may be a wild animal or the domestic cattle. If the same animal is weiterlesen | read more:
Thorny Devil
The thorny devil promotes extraordinary developments and the exchange with like-minded people. He reminds us to focus on the most necessary things in life. Less is more. Overview Thorn devils are also called desert devils or juggernauts. The reptile lives in dry and hot areas of Australia. The lizards has orange-red spines on its body weiterlesen | read more:
The thrush is a songbird and one of the most common forest dwellers. They are one of the most famous birds in the world and can be easily observed. Overview The thrush, with about 300 species worldwide, is widespread in all regions where there are deciduous and mixed forests. The melodious artists are often found weiterlesen | read more:
On the energetic level, the tick is a symbol of energy robbery. One’s own advancement is lived at the expense of another. This leads to overstraining and physical weakness. Overview The tick belongs to the class of arachnids and to the subclass of mites. The body of ticks consists of two sections. Both move in weiterlesen | read more:
The tiger stands for enthusiasm and rebellion. He fights back when cornered. Likewise, he can enjoy and indulge in laziness. Overview This imposing animal inspires respect in his viewers. As a predator, it roams the countryside and puts its enemies in their place. Anyone who intrudes into his territory without being asked must reckon with weiterlesen | read more: