A skunk is a sign of demarcation and a negative environment. It shows the need to defend yourself. Overview Skunks belong to the order of predators. They are characterized by having white stripes on their face, trunk and tail in their otherwise dark fur. The animals are native to America, where they live in open weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
The snail moves slowly on a carpet of lashes or slime. It radiates calmness and freedom from stress, as it is always moving slowly and continuously. Overview Snails are mollusks. Their organism is completely devoid of bone or cartilage. Their house is made of lime and is spiral-shaped. It serves for protection and as a weiterlesen | read more:
The snake is used as a symbol of healing. It embodies the vitality and life energy. At the same time it warns against cunning, deceit and a wrong assessment of the situation. Overview The snake lives on land and in water bodies. Depending on the type of creeper, the snake gallantly moves through the forests, weiterlesen | read more:
Snow Leopard
The snow leopard symbolizes assertiveness and getting ahead. In addition, he brings a strong self-confidence. Overview Snow leopards are solitary animals and are mainly found in the mountains. They prefer regions that are about 3,000 – 5,000 meters above sea level. The predators belong to the cat family and are the best jumpers among the weiterlesen | read more:
On the energetic level, the sparrow brings chattiness, sociability and being with like-minded people. The songbird promotes the joy of life and thus improves the well-being. Overview The sparrow, which belongs to the sparrow family, is a songbird living in Eurasia, Africa, America and Australia. It prefers open and warm regions as well as scrublands, weiterlesen | read more:
The spider is native to almost all continents of the earth. This animal also causes certain reservations or fear in people all over the world. Overview This very useful insect has always caused many different emotions in their viewers. Their appearance is often perceived as unusual, disgusting or scary. There are harmless and extremely dangerous weiterlesen | read more:
The squirrel is a welcome sight in our latitudes. Whenever it crosses our path, it provides attention and beautiful moments. Overview The squirrel symbolizes the joy of life. At the same time, it indicates that we should stock up so that we are best provided for times of drought or shortage. The forest dweller is weiterlesen | read more:
The stag is bursting with vitality, grace and grace. With head held high, he comes along and proudly presents what he has. This quadruped wakes us up only by a sight. Overview The king of our forests is the stag. It is a cloven-hoofed animal and related to the roe deer or elk. He gracefully weiterlesen | read more:
The star brings justice and promotes the efforts of self-reflection. In addition, the bird is a bearer of news and information. Overview Starlings belong to the sparrow and songbirds. They originally come from Africa and Eurasia, but have since spread all over the world. Starlings are gregarious birds that can often be seen in flocks. weiterlesen | read more:
The starfish brings the connection to one’s inner life. As the star of the seas, it brings the special developments in life and gives information about the feelings. Overview Starfish belong to the phylum of echinoderms. The mostly five-armed aquatic animals have small feet on the underside, which are used for locomotion. On the upper weiterlesen | read more:
The stork is a messenger of spring. With him changes and new beginnings come. As a messenger of love, he brings a breath of fresh air especially in love matters and provides positive news. Overview Storks are birds that are native to all continents except Antarctica. Most species of storks are not migratory, but live weiterlesen | read more:
The swallow is a migratory bird. It brings the hope and is a symbol carrier for the change. The songbird also expresses an existing longing. Overview Swallows live in northern and central Europe in summer. The migratory birds spend the winter in warm regions such as Central and South Africa. They prefer areas with open weiterlesen | read more: