The salamander brings change and reminds us of the power of intuitive action. Old burns in the blazing sun so that new can arise. The time of transformation has come. Overview The salamander belongs to the amphibian genus and visually resembles the lizard. It is found in Europe and especially in hilly areas, forests, along weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
Salmon wants to indicate the state of the emotional world and give a positive turn to the current flow of life. On the energetic level, it embodies strength, stability and making wise decisions. Overview Salmon live in the sea and in rivers. Although it is no longer found in many places, the fish can still weiterlesen | read more:
Scorpio is closely connected on the energetic level with the themes of truth, justice, life and death. It illustrates the importance to the look behind the scenes. Overview Scorpions belong to the family of arachnids. Their poisonous sting can have deadly consequences for the opponent. Scorpions are native to all continents where there are deserts weiterlesen | read more:
The scorpionfish warns of danger and brings demarcation. Envious and disagreeable companions cross one’s path. Overview The Great Red Scorpionfish is a special sea creature that is represented worldwide and can be found in all seas. The colorful fish are usually found near shore in relatively shallow waters of rocky and coral reefs. All scorpionfish weiterlesen | read more:
On the energetic level, the seagull brings the promotion of intuition and reminds us of the necessary freedom. At the same time, as a symbol of sociability, it expresses the connection with the community. Overview Seagulls are among the loudest birds in our region. Their cries can be heard over a great distance, despite the weiterlesen | read more:
The seahorse brings confidence and orientation in the emotional world. It guides through one’s emotions and creates harmony in the current emotional state. Overview The seahorse belongs to the family of pipefish. Visually, it resembles a horse in the head area and a worm in the lower area. It always moves forward in a vertical weiterlesen | read more:
The different species of seal live in the oceans and express the collective energy. The inhabitants of the seas stand out by their appearance and have an immediately sympathetic effect with their large googly eyes. Overview The seal group includes seals, sea lions, fur seals, elephant seals and walruses. They are all sea creatures that weiterlesen | read more:
The secretarybird brings the assertiveness and pomp. Graceful and strong at the same time is a performance with which he can drive away or defeat even difficult enemies. Overview Secretaries live in pairs or small groups in sub-Saharan Africa. With its long legs and head feathers, it stands out visually as a bird of prey weiterlesen | read more:
The shark is a symbol of the assertiveness, the will to win and business success. In addition, the sea creature warns against people who have evil in mind. Overview Sharks belong to the cartilaginous fish and are considered the most dangerous inhabitants of the world’s oceans. Due to the diverse food supply, they are often weiterlesen | read more:
The sheep is a herbivore. The animals express the willingness to sacrifice, loyalty as well as devotion. The ruminants are among the oldest inhabitants of the earth and are often found on cave paintings. Overview Sheep are horned animals. The females live together with the young animals in a herd. The males are solitary or weiterlesen | read more:
The shell is a sign of femininity or female energy. Besides, it is a keeper of secrets and stands for their defense. Overview Mussels are native to oceans and seas worldwide. The oysters belong to the family of mussels. The diurnal aquatic animals can live up to 100 years, depending on the species. Mussels belong weiterlesen | read more:
The sloth brings the inner center and centering on oneself. In addition, it is a sign of passivity and lack of commitment. Overview The sloth lives in Central and South America. The loner is known worldwide for its slow locomotion and shaggy appearance. There are two types of sloths. They differ in the number of weiterlesen | read more: