The rabbit, like the hare, belongs to the extremely reproductive creatures. On the energetic level it is therefore also associated with the themes of fertility and reproduction. Overview The very sociable animal, unlike hares, lives in packs. Its habitats include underground and above-ground tunnels. These are widely branched and provide space for many conspecifics. Rabbits weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
The raccoon is a messenger for a cunning and shrewd approach to a tricky situation. But at the same time the animal warns about people who show devious behavior. Overview Raccoons are predators, which are assigned to the order dog-like and marten relatives. The nocturnal quadrupeds belong to the family of small bears. The adaptable weiterlesen | read more:
The power animal raptor brings the change of direction and is a symbol of power. In dream interpretation raptors are a symbol of acumen and speed. Overview Raptors are mostly carnivorous birds and they include eagles, buzzards, kites, owls, hawks, sparrow hawks, and harriers. The diurnal hunters have very good eyesight, strong legs, sharp claws weiterlesen | read more:
The rat is a very intelligent creature. It is common in our climes and is therefore closely associated with our way of life. Overview Rats are survival artists. The omnivores manage to adapt to changing living conditions and situations in a short time. As soon as a shortage occurs, they look for alternative ways and weiterlesen | read more:
The raven is a symbol of intelligence, initiation into new methods, as well as magical occurrences. He belongs to the corvids, which are assigned more than 100 species. Overview Ravens together with crows form the genus of corvids. The larger animals are ravens, the smaller ones are called crows. The elegant and very intelligent animal weiterlesen | read more:
The ray promotes empathy and strengthens one’s own perception. The confidence in intuitive actions are strengthened by him. Overview Rays live in all the world’s oceans. and belong to the class of cartilaginous fish. Their body consists accordingly of cartilage. They can grow up to 7m long. The diurnal and crepuscular fish is mainly found weiterlesen | read more:
Red Panda
A red panda symbolizes the peacefulness and skillfulness. The predator is a good climber and therefore can always rely on his skills. Energetically, he also brings the peaceful solution finding. Overview The red panda is not related to the giant panda. Both are predators, herbivores and solitary animals, but they do not share more similarities. weiterlesen | read more:
The reindeer embodies power, vitality and a strong energy. Moreover, it is a guide to inner wisdom and contact with one’s soul. Perseverance and diligence are also associated with him. Overview The reindeer or caribou comes from the deer family. It is found in northern climes and lives in North America and northern Eurasia. The weiterlesen | read more:
The rhinoceros is a quiet and sluggish creature under normal conditions. It likes seclusion and changes its appearance only when it feels threatened. Overview The rhinoceros is one of the oldest inhabitants of this planet. Already many millennia ago it was immortalized on the walls of the caves. Cave paintings gave rise to many myths weiterlesen | read more:
Reptiles or reptiles are among the oldest inhabitants of our planet. They symbolize the ability to change and adapt. Overview The group of reptiles includes animal species that have a mostly dry and scaly skin surface. The most famous animals of this group are turtles, snakes, chameleons or crocodiles. They are cold-blooded animals. This means weiterlesen | read more:
The robin is a welcome guest in our gardens and during walks in the woods. Its song and colorful plumage bring joie de vivre and lightness. Overview The robin belongs to the songbirds and the passerine birds. The bird is very popular with people because it escapes less often than other bird species. Its colorfulness weiterlesen | read more:
Rodents are a sign of the will to assert oneself. Worries, fears or grief are overcome because giving up is not an option. Overview Rodents include guinea pigs, rats, mice, beavers, squirrels, groundhogs, hares, hamsters, chinchillas, porcupines or naked moles. These animals are a subspecies of mammals and are characterized by their special lifelong growing weiterlesen | read more: