The penguin is a sign of family order and structure. With this energetic companion becomes clear what importance lies in the cohesion of like-minded people. Overview The flightless biped belongs to the bird family. Its natural habitat is in the open seas of the southern hemisphere. The seabird likes the cold and comes ashore only weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
The perch, the pike and also the zander bring the social gathering with the possibility of retreat at the same time. The emotions are illuminated and stabilized. All predatory fish have the same meaning on the energetic level. Overview The perch is a spiny fin fish. It can be a loner and it is also weiterlesen | read more:
The pheasant is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and fertility. The animal brings on the energetic level the beauty and satisfaction with oneself and the current circumstances of life. Overview The pheasant is a bird that is classified among the chicken birds. The herbivore and insectivore lives in Europe, Asia, North America and New Zealand. weiterlesen | read more:
The phoenix is a mythical creature and the epitome of rebirth and resurrection. It symbolizes the cycle of life. Overview The phoenix is a mythical creature in the form of a burning bird. The animal finds its origin in Egyptian mythology. There is talk of a sacred bird. In late antiquity it was used to weiterlesen | read more:
The pig symbolizes luck and prosperity. As soon as it appears, success is certain. Moreover, it brings love. Overview The pig is a subspecies of wild boar. The animal is not only a food source for humans. In the cultures of the world, it has a very different status, which drifts far apart. In our weiterlesen | read more:
The piranha warns of impending danger and an overbearing demeanor. Conflicts and interpersonal disturbances may occur. Overview The predatory fish is native to the waters of South America. The freshwater fish are known for their sharp teeth and fast eating of their prey. Piranhas prefer to live in schools and hunt together for crustaceans and weiterlesen | read more:
The platypus reminds us of the importance of our own needs. In addition, it is a sign of protection from emotional injuries. Overview The platypus is a cloacal animal. Although it is a mammal, it lays eggs. It lives in streams and rivers in Australia. The males have poisonous hind spurs and are therefore dangerous. weiterlesen | read more:
Polar bear
The polar bear warns against an emotional coldness towards oneself and others. Disappointment or rejection of another person may occur. Overview The polar bear is a predator that belongs to the bear family. It is native to the northern hemisphere in the polar region. The neck is longer than in other bear species. In addition, weiterlesen | read more:
The porcupine belongs to the rodents and has nothing in common with a pig. Its spines on the back and tail are its trademark. Overview The porcupine belongs to the order of rodents. Some species are classified as beavers. The porcupines are the largest rodents on our planet. The animals are native to warm regions weiterlesen | read more:
Pot-Bellied Pig
The pot-bellied pig brings luck and success, but also warns against spurious or artificial developments, as not all decisions are made consciously. Overview The pot-bellied pig is an animal bred by humans. The mixture between a pig and a wild boar comes from Southeast Asia and belongs to the mini pigs. Deliberately bred is the weiterlesen | read more:
Praying Mantis
The praying mantis is a protected species. On the energetic level, it is a symbol of the feelings and the developments of the emotions. Overview The praying mantis belongs to the order of mantis and is an insect. Nevertheless, the flightless animal has wings. Especially the males use them during the startle reaction. The triangular weiterlesen | read more:
The puma or cougar is a cat-like creature. Fast, persistent and headstrong is the predator, which leaves obstacles behind in an instant. In its territory, the quadruped knows its way around and registers almost everything that happens in it. Overview The puma is assigned to the cats and is native to the continent of America. weiterlesen | read more: