The otter is an animal that can be found in the water and on land. This creature is very active and often romps around. Overview The otter, together with the badger, belongs to the family of martens. is associated on the energetic level with originality and joie de vivre. He likes variety. Whether on land, weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
Like no other animal, the owl is a symbol of wisdom on the energetic level. It brings the visions and transmits messages that can be helpful in everyday life. Overview The owl as such does not exist in biology. The eagle owl and owls are, like many other bird species, a subspecies of owls. For weiterlesen | read more:
The ostrich is interpreted on the energetic level as well as the emu and the Nando. They are fast animals that remind us of the responsibility assumed. In search of truth and justice, doors open. Overview The ostrich, emu and nandu are flightless ratites. Although the animal species are not closely related, they have a weiterlesen | read more:
The ox is an imposing and powerful animal by its appearance. He embodies these characteristics also on the energetic level. With perseverance and patience goals and objectives are achieved. Overview Male cattle are called taurus or bull. Once the sexually mature animals are castrated, biologists speak of a steer. Their behavior after castration is more weiterlesen | read more:
The panda is a symbol of peacefulness and gentleness. The animal calls on the energetic level to introspection and self-reflection. It is necessary to find and preserve the inner center. Overview The giant panda is also known as the bamboo bear, giant panda or pawed bear. He is not related to the red panda. It weiterlesen | read more:
The pangolin brings isolation and withdrawal. So far, little has been known and researched about this animal. On the energetic level, therefore, this also stands for previously unknown currents. Overview The pangolin is also called pine cone animal because of its appearance. The Pangolin lives as a loner mainly in Africa and Asia. The covering weiterlesen | read more:
The panther is a symbol of perfectionism. As a mediator between the worlds, he supports the connection between the mundane and energetic levels. He is concentrated and always alert. Overview The panther belongs as a big cat to the subfamily of cats. Various other big cats are assigned to the genus of Panthera. To them weiterlesen | read more:
The parrot is the symbol of communication and interpersonal exchange. The adaptive and intelligent animal also promotes the creative side in us. Overview Categorization of parrots is not very simple and controversial. Often distinguished parakeets, cockatoos, macaws and lorises. The latter are nectar-eating birds, which are pictured above. All other species also like fruits, flowers, weiterlesen | read more:
The partridge represents minimalism, difficulty in adaptation and simplicity. The tasks to be accomplished should be approached with more mindfulness. Overview The partridge belongs to the order of chicken birds and the family of pheasants. The birds live mainly on the ground and fly only at slight heights. The partridge is hardly bigger than a weiterlesen | read more:
The peacock brings elegance, glory, pomp and splendor. It indicates the potential for transformation and is a sign of the possibilities of inner growth. Overview Peacocks live mainly in Asia and have their place of origin in India. They are herbivores that live in a family unit. Their magnificent plumage can only be admired in weiterlesen | read more:
Pegasus is a mythical creature. It brings freedom, independence and is a bearer of hope. The quadruped shows creative approaches and overcoming limits. Overview Pegasus is a mythical creature in the form of a winged horse. The animal finds its origin in Greek mythology. There it is considered the child of the god of the weiterlesen | read more:
The pelican is a sign of humility and compassion. Self-sacrifice and the ability to empathize with others and their experiences are associated with it. Overview Pelicans belong to the class of birds. They live in colonies all over the world, are diurnal and prefer to be near water. A special feature is their beak, on weiterlesen | read more: