The moth is a sign of doubt and insecurity. The loyalty of other people is doubted. In addition, it indicates souls who are in the intermediate world. Overview Moths belong to the order of butterflies and go through the stages just like them. Once they reach the moth stage, their lifespan is a maximum of weiterlesen | read more:
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation has been studied and examined in more detail for many decades for both scientific and spiritual motives. Although researchers have found that dreams do not contain deeper or mystical messages, but consist of what the person experiences, many people see more in them. For them, the dreams give indications of developments, changes or dangers in their own lives. Positive as well as negative signs are looked for in the symbols of dreams in order to be able to react more optimally in everyday life. Dream interpretation deals with the messages of the remembered distinctive components from dreams of the night as well as the day dreams. The messages are supposed to hold valuable hints for the dreamer and thus be supportive in coping with everyday life as well as challenges.
The mouse stands for the complexity of different areas and likewise for happiness. It diligently builds new tunnels and thus establishes connections between the individual elements. Overview The mammal is perceived by many people as cute, soft and cuddly. The mouse is adaptive, restless and always on the lookout for food or a safe haven. weiterlesen | read more:
The mule is a sign of endurance and strength. It likewise indicates a rigid attitude and brings a time when little insight is to be expected. Overview The mule is also called mule. The animal is a cross between a horse mare and a donkey stallion. The animal is larger than a donkey, but smaller weiterlesen | read more:
Muskrat questions unconscious emotional processes and warns against self-destructive processes. In a situation, one’s own dexterity is required. Overview The muskrat is a rodent which, contrary to its name, does not belong to the rats but to the voles. The nocturnal and crepuscular quadruped lives in Europe, Asia and America. Muskrats are mainly found in weiterlesen | read more:
Naked Mole
The naked mole rat awakens survival instincts, brings structure, and points out that neither one’s own nor another’s competencies should be underestimated. Overview The naked mole rat belongs to the rodents and is a suborder of the porcupine relatives. The mouse-like rodent looks naked, but has barely visible hair on its entire body. The subterranean weiterlesen | read more:
The nightingale warbles, bringing joy and well-being. Good news and an improvement in well-being are on the horizon. The wishes of the soul are heard and want to be lived. Overview The nightingale is native to Asia, Europe and North Africa. The migratory bird winters in Africa and can therefore only be found in our weiterlesen | read more:
The Numbat is a self-confident loner who does not allow himself to be taken out of his observations and pace. Overview A numbat is also known as an anteater and is one of the marsupials native to Australia. In contrast to the kangaroos or koalas, the quadruped is exclusively diurnal. This is justified by the weiterlesen | read more:
The nuthatch skillfully climbs up the trees and headfirst down as well. The songbird is conspicuous by its orange belly and blue-gray upper side. Overview The sparrow bird got its name because it glues itself in front of the entrances to the nesting cavities of other birds. The aim is to be able to use weiterlesen | read more:
The Ocelot is instinctual and can rely on his abilities. It promotes the gut feeling and intuition. Completely on his own, the challenges can be solved best at the moment. Overview The ocelot belongs to the predators and is assigned to the family of cats. Native to Central and South America, the small cat has weiterlesen | read more:
As an aquatic animal, the octopus brings the emotional side into focus. It illustrates the adaptability and promotes empathy. Overview The octopus belongs to the mollusks. It lives near the coast of the North Sea, Western Europe, North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. As a loner, the octopus can reach a weight of 2-50 kg, weiterlesen | read more:
The opossum brings to life the survivalist on the energetic level. He shows a good strategy for coping with the current tasks. Overview The opossum belongs to the marsupials. The nocturnal loners come from North America and are also native to Europe. They live in wooded and bushy areas. Therefore, they can also be found weiterlesen | read more:
The orca is a powerful sea creature that has few enemies. Community thinking and the interests of all are symbolized by the mammal. Unconscious emotions he brings to the surface. Overview The orca or killer whale belongs to the order of whales and the dolphin family. The predator has hardly any natural enemies. The black weiterlesen | read more: