The Ascendant Pisces is a good-natured being. The world appears to him in rose-colored glasses. He does not trust bad things to anyone, because he himself could not be like that. Because of this, he is said to be naive in dealing with other people, who can quickly take advantage of him. He often trusts weiterlesen | read more:
The Ascendant is considered with great importance in astrology. It says a lot about our nature and actions. Together with the zodiac sign of a person, the interpretation of a horoscope with him gives another important clue about the personality of a person. The inner self is addressed through it. How we are knitted behind the facade is expressed through him more precisely and is illuminated. At the same time we learn through him what we need to feel comfortable in our skin and improve our well-being. Zodiac signs and ascendants are particularly important in the interpretation of a horoscope.