
Mealybug is colloquially regarded as pests. As a power animal and in dream interpretation, they can give important warning impulses.

A mealybug is an insect from the plant lice family. There are around 1,000 different subspecies of these animals, which differ mainly in appearance and thus primarily in the type of hair. These insects are characterized by their woolly and at the same time greasy hairs. Another special feature is their ability to produce young. As a result, these creatures are unisexual and can reproduce rapidly within a few days. The creatures are found all over the world, are difficult to control and build sticky nests on the leaves of various plants.

Mealybugs feed on plant sap and often lay their eggs in the roots of plants. Their way of life contributes to plants losing their strength and threatening to die. For this reason, they are considered pests by humans, although they are completely harmless to humans and other animals. The natural predators of mealybugs are usually other insects such as ladybugs or lacewings.

Power Animal Mealybug

The power animal wool lice wants to warn and urges you to be vigilant. Secretly, quietly and silently, energy thieves could sneak into your own system and establish a life of their own there. It is important to check whether self-protection is sufficiently activated. Even the smallest gaps can lead to an energetic weakening. You should also question your own motives for action. Greater attention should be paid to whether asserting one’s own interests may restrict the ability of people close to you to act and make decisions.

Positive Consideration

This power animal brings strong fertility even in difficult and impassable phases of life. It makes it clear that you do not need to be dependent on others in order to develop yourself. New ideas, creative impulses or development processes are stimulated from within. Your own interests take center stage and want to be seen.

Negative Consideration

The interests of one’s own development are not in harmony with those of the environment. The power animal woolly mice therefore warns against selfish decisions. Resistance from the environment is to be expected as soon as no consideration is shown.
At the same time, the power animal wants to point out a possible loss of control. This is initiated by energy thieves in the personal environment. It is necessary to distance yourself from the self-centered behavior of other people. The true motivation of people in your immediate environment should be examined and questioned.

Dream Interpretation Mealybug

In dream interpretation, woolly lice are a sign of an unwanted pregnancy and a warning about false friends. Friendliness and an apparently pleasant appearance of another person should set off the dreamer’s alarm bells.

Positive Aspects

Selfish interests can be asserted. Anyone pursuing a specific goal now experiences circumstances that are favorable to achieving their own goals. This requires neither the support of another person nor any special assistance.

Negative Aspects

Anyone who decides to live out their selfishness will have to live with the reactions of others and therefore with the consequences. As soon as someone decides to take advantage of themselves at the expense of another person, consequences such as rejection, rejection or breaking off contact cannot be avoided.