
The dipper is a reminder of the promotion of one’s talents. It brings the flexibility and helps to better adapt to current life circumstances. Overview The dipper belongs to the songbirds. Contrary to its name, it is not related to the blackbird. One of its closest relatives is the wren. The bird is about the weiterlesen | read more:


A dodo is a flightless bird that reportedly became extinct in the 17th century. It is considered large, awkward and clumsy. Overview The dodo lived on Mauritius, an area where it had no predators. Just 100 years after its discovery, the animal was already extinct by 1670. Man is considered to be responsible for this. weiterlesen | read more:


The dog is known for its unconditional love and loyalty. He provides valuable services to man on very different levels. Overview As soon as the dog appears in our lives, we feel safe and protected. He is man’s best friend, as he is always there for us. His constant vigilance during the day and at weiterlesen | read more:


The dolphin is a very popular animal. He radiates joie de vivre and well-being. Remarkable are his way of communication as well as his empathy. Overview The very intelligent mammal has a highly developed radar. As a result, a dolphin is able to perform various feats. Its movements are smooth. It seems to be able weiterlesen | read more:


The donkey is a very idiosyncratic and rather quiet creature. There is enormous strength in him. At the same time, he can sound the alarm when something is wrong. Overview The donkey is cozy and is perceived as quiet or leisurely. Many describe him as stupid and lazy. His willfulness and stubbornness is often associated weiterlesen | read more:


The dormouse is considered a daydreamer. The nocturnal long sleeper is an integral part of folk sayings, folk beliefs and divinations. Overview The dormouse is a rodent and belongs to the squirrel relatives. Visually, it resembles the squirrel. The rodent is nocturnal and hibernates for about seven months. The animal is native to Europe. It weiterlesen | read more:


The dove is the bearer of news. Hope and peace are associated with her. Therefore, it is also the symbol of love. Overview Pigeons are present on almost all continents in different species. The herbivores are found in the wild and are bred at the same time. Various competitions are held annually in which pigeon weiterlesen | read more:


A dragon is a flying, fire-breathing mythical creature. It is perceived as lizard or snake-like and comes from fairy tales, fables, sagas and legends of different cultures. Overview Dragons are fire-breathing creatures that can fly and visually resemble lizards or snakes. Their body is usually depicted with scales. In the stories or in pictures dragons weiterlesen | read more:


The dragonfly reminds us of the need for freedom and is a sign of the readiness for development within us. The change and transformation are also expressed by the insect. Overview Dragonflies are found in all regions where there are waters, marshes or swamps. They like the flowing and stagnant waters. The wing apparatus of weiterlesen | read more:


The duck is a living creature, which points on the energetic level to the necessary balance of different areas. In addition, it wants to invite us to continue to pursue our own path despite experienced losses. Overview The duck is a living creature that can be found on land, in water and in the air. weiterlesen | read more:


Eagle has been used specifically in air defense to combat drones for some time. Their circling moves through the skies announce dominion and control over all that is below them. Overview The eagle is an imposing and proud animal. The bird of prey has a sharp eye and alert mind. In the animal kingdom he weiterlesen | read more:

Earth Cuckoo

Earth cuckoo is a symbol of curious behavior. In addition, the animal warns and can be a sign of unrequited love connection. Overview The Earth Cuckoo or Roadside Cuckoo  is a ground-dwelling species of cuckoo. The endangered bird is native to North and Central America. The female lays her nests in foreign nests. Once the weiterlesen | read more: