Karma Astrology

Karma Astrology deals with determining and showing our life and learning tasks – the so-called karma. On the basis of the birth data, the horoscope is created.

Karma astrology is a method of astrology. Through it, astrologers provide information about particularly intense life situations or phases.

Many people are convinced that we incarnate into this life with certain learning tasks. In the birth chart these tasks are derived for astrologers on the basis of various criteria. This should help to better understand and classify the challenges and crises of life.


The lunar node or the lunar node axis are important indications for our life tasks. The lunar node axis is the connecting line between the descending and ascending lunar nodes. These are the intersections of the moon’s orbit with the ecliptic plane, which astronomically are not celestial bodies, but astrologically are interpreted as planets. The axis shows our holistic development potential and gives information about where we have come from in this life and where we are going.

In addition, the retrograde planets on the day of our birth show what other life issues we will be dealing with. They point to recurring conflict issues of our life and want to be resolved by us. Therefore, it is not unusual that we seem to deal with some areas or issues all over again in the course of our life.

Possibilities of Karma Astrology

Finding out the life and learning tasks should make it easier for those seeking advice to better face the challenges in everyday life. Often we ourselves have difficulty understanding what the issue really is. Once we have recognized this, we can solve the tasks and achieve more satisfaction.

Limits of Karma Astrology

Knowledge of particular life situations alone does not justify certain events. It cannot relinquish responsibility for one’s own actions. Furthermore, it also does not mean that behavior of other people must be endured and suffered for this reason. Karma astrology names the issues where confrontation is to be expected. How these are managed is to be handled on one’s own responsibility.