Full Moon 2023

The Full Moon 2023 is an astrological celestial event that is perceived as intense especially by very sensitive people. We are confronted with a total of 13 full moons in 2023, which brings the potential for personal development. In general, an increase in emotional state can often be observed already a few days before. A new moon phase is initiated by the full moon. This lasts until the next new moon and is connected with different topics, which draw our attention in everyday life. At the moment of the full moon, the planets Sun and Moon are opposite each other from an astrological point of view. As a result, emotions and will are not in balance and can cause restlessness or other challenges.





Zodiac sign


January 7, 2023

00:07 am



February 5, 2023

07:28 pm



March 7, 2023

01:40 pm



April 6, 2023

06:34 am



Mai 5, 2023

07:34 pm



June 4, 2023

05:41 am



July 3, 2023

01:38 pm



August 1, 2023

08:31 pm



August 31, 2023

03:35 am



September 29, 2023

11:57 am



Oktober 28, 2023

11:24 pm



November 27,  2023

10:16 am



December 27, 2023

01:33 am


Attention. All data refer to the calculations of the place Hamburg, Germany.
The time changes by a few minutes as soon as you are on a different longitude or latitude.

Full Moon January 2023

The first full moon of the new year is on January 7, 2023 at 00:07 in the zodiac sign Cancer. Important conversations should be postponed, as there is a risk of getting carried away or talking past each other. Likewise, contractual matters should be examined carefully to avoid misunderstandings or to avoid overlooking small print. With this full moon heart and mind are in tension. Despite all facts and factual considerations, the emotional part in us wants to take a different course. This provides an inner as well as outer tension, which can become a challenge.

Full Moon February 2023

Seeing and being seen is what the Full Moon in February 2023 is all about. This is expected in the zodiac sign Leo on February 5, 2023 at 7:28 pm. Despite all efforts, the feeling can arise that you do not receive the necessary attention from other people. This causes friction and clouds the mood. The urge for freedom and individual development conflicts with the search for fame and recognition. Perhaps we should make improvements and show a greater willingness to work hard so that we can achieve the desired effect.

Full Moon March 2023

The Full Moon in March will occur on March 7, 2023 at 1:40 pm in the zodiac sign of Virgo. Intuition and expertise see themselves in confrontation with each other. This Full Moon carries all issues where trade-offs are made between vision and discipline. The idea of reaching a goal is one thing. It is important to check if there is a realistic foundation for it and if it can be realized. Not all doors always open by themselves. Tail wind comes, if before on one’s own initiative on the goal realization one worked.

Full Moon April 2023

On April 6, 2023, the full moon will take place at 06:34 in the zodiac sign Libra. This Full Moon will remind us that we cannot always find a solution with all parties involved. Partnership issues will be addressed, but it may also be about other interpersonal bonds where there are challenges to overcome. The thought arises that luck always sides with others. Perhaps it is better to question developments less emotionally, because sometimes there is liberation in letting go.

Full Moon Mai 2023

The Full Moon in May 2023 gets under your skin. It will take place on May 5, 2023 at 7:34 pm in the zodiac sign Scorpio and brings unconscious issues to the center of everyday life. Spontaneous decisions should be avoided on the full moon day. Likewise, important conversations should be postponed until another day. The potential for conflict and disagreement is too strong, which accompanies this Full Moon. We look behind the scenes because we want to. However, we don’t always like what we see there. The time is ripe for change.

Full Moon June 2023

A very activating Full Moon awaits us in June 2023, on June 4 at 05:41 in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. We come into our power, although we lack self-confidence. No goal seems unattainable as we feel we have a strong inner strength and endurance to fall back on. People around us rely on us and our decisions. They even expect us to take the initiative. Nevertheless, we should see that we take care of ourselves and do not overestimate ourselves.

Full Moon July 2023

The Full Moon in July will take place on July 3, 2023 at 1:38 pm in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This Full Moon is accompanied by two streams of energy. On the one hand, there are numerous points of friction and issues that are conducive to confrontation. On the other hand, the consequences of this are less difficult for us than usual. We recognize the opportunities that lie within and are therefore less melancholy. Nevertheless, we should bridle our tongues and also prefer to postpone the clarification of contractual matters.

1st Full Moon August 2023

The summer full moon on August 1, 2023 at 20:31 in the zodiac sign Aquarius reminds us how much we love life. It germinates the desire to want to be in the center of events and at the same time we do not want to be tied down. A search begins for a state in which everything seems possible. Since this is not difficult to realize, we experience inner conflicts and later also interpersonal disturbances. We should put our own willingness to compromise under greater scrutiny.

2nd Full Moon August 2023

In August 2023 there will be another full moon. This is on August 31, 2023 at 03:35 o’clock in the star sign Pisces. We are concerned with whether our ideas have a chance of being realized. Often ideas have only a temporary character. At this full moon we check which impulses truly bring a chance of success. The examination of the facts will not always please us, but will help to direct our attention more strongly to the right thing.

Full Moon September 2023

On September 29, 2023, the full moon will be at 11:57 am in the zodiac sign Aries. This full moon carries a concentrated power and energy. We are full of drive and must be careful not to overshoot the target. It could be that we are too ignorant of others, but we are only focused on ourselves. Something gets us going – maybe even in a rage. As a result, it is not easy to face upcoming decisions with calmness and composure.

Full Moon October 2023

The Full Moon in October will take place in the zodiac sign of Taurus. It is dated October 28, 2023 at 10:24 pm. We are asked to leave our comfort zone and look beyond our nose for happiness. Once again, important conversations should not be had or contracted decisions made on this full moon. We may overlook something or calculate too imprecisely.

Full Moon November 2023

At the November full moon 2023 we are at war with our own driving force. Either we do not get going or we overshoot the target. We are dissatisfied with the pace of developments and we express this. On November 27, 2023, we expect the full moon at 10:16 am in the zodiac sign Gemini. On this day we are hectic, restless or querulous. With this dissatisfaction in the luggage, the readiness to separate or to turn our backs on projects increases.

Full Moon December 2023

The last full moon of 2023 is expected in the zodiac sign Cancer on December 27, 2023 at 01:33. This full moon day is less intense for some people. We have despite accruing conflict situations the possibility to recognize the good in it and can direct our view more strongly on it. This helps to understand connections better and to let developments take their course. We are in a less tense basic energy at this full moon and that helps.