The full moon 2017 is said to have a mystical effect, as full moons have always had. The moon has a close connection with the sensations and every emotion. It is said that around the time of the full moon, interpersonal tensions rise. The energy of the moon can be used to set a course for the issues of the current cycle. In parallel, the new moon is used by many people to implement plans and start new things.

- 1 Overview Full Moons 2017
- 2 Full Moon January 2017
- 3 Full Moon February 2017
- 4 Full Moon March 2017
- 5 Full Moon April 2017
- 6 Full Moon May 2017
- 7 Full Moon June 2017
- 8 Full Moon July 2017
- 9 Full Moon August 2017
- 10 Full Moon September 2017
- 11 Full Moon October 2017
- 12 Full Moon November 2017
- 13 Full Moon Dezember 2017
Overview Full Moons 2017
Zodiac Sign
Attention: All data refer to the calculations of the place Hamburg, Germany.
The time changes by a few minutes as soon as you are on a different longitude or latitude.
Full Moon January 2017
This Full Moon occurs on January 12, 2017 at 12:33 pm in the zodiac sign of Cancer. It brings family issues to the forefront and provides optimism. Life’s challenges seem surmountable. It counts to see life as a whole. The quality of time is experienced as positive. The energy level increases. Once impulsive actions are avoided, the foundation for new plans can be laid. The desire for independence is very present. The feeling of freedom and the need for the unfamiliar characterize the mood. An inner restlessness is noticeable. It poses a challenge to interpersonal relationships. Moodiness and the search for change cause turbulence. The need to experience harmony and fulfillment within the family and in partnerships can mean fulfillment or disturbance.
Full Moon February 2017
The full moon in February takes place on February 11, 2017 at 01:32 am in the zodiac sign Leo. The February full moon was called a snow moon in earlier times. Apart from that, a penumbral eclipse is expected this year. So close to Valentine’s Day, a time is ushered in when charm, romance and playfulness play an important role. There is a desire for exchange, a pleasant togetherness and making new contacts. Projects are evaluated and implemented soberly and realistically. It is a pleasant full moon, which brings the desire to go out of oneself again more. Own behavior is well reflected and possible chances are well weighed against each other. The experience and wisdom of other people will be helpful and give new impulses. It is a time of departure, which will be well considered and thus promising.
Full Moon March 2017
The full moon in March is on March 12 at 03:53 pm in the zodiac sign Virgo. Judging by the stars, the day will not be easy for many people. The frame of mind does not seem to be very optimistic or easy-going. Feelings of loneliness are to be expected. For some, it will mean retreating to recharge their batteries. There is a danger of getting stuck in the depths of the emotional world. Sensitivity and irritability are heightened. One’s ideals may be violated by others. At the same time, the need for silence is misunderstood by others. Thoughts could take on obsessive traits. This full moon will release intense forces for the coming weeks. Those who like depth will love the day. Superficiality is avoided and an encounter with the soul is made possible. Shackles will be broken and control will be taken away from some people.
Full Moon April 2017
The Full Moon in April is on April 11, 2017 at 08:08 am in the zodiac sign Libra. This Full Moon activates the themes of power and powerlessness. Once people who have control over others, they will experience the roles being reversed by the energy of the Moon. Anyone who oppresses another, controls them, and lives an attachment for their own gain will experience a change. Plans do not work out and burst in the struggle for a forced success. Radical changes in one’s lifestyle may occur. The Full Moon ushers in a time of overwhelming emotions. Obsessive thinking and impulsive actions are possible. Those who keep a cool head can learn in the process of self-reflection what they really need for themselves, their lives and the fulfillment of their desires. Holding on to something spasmodically will end up with little promise of success.
Full Moon May 2017
The Full Moon in May takes place on May 10, 2017 at 11:42 pm in the zodiac sign Scorpio. The basic energy is positive. Whatever happens, it feels like we are carried on hands and protected in all developments. Good and stable course is set. Changes with sustainability are coming. They will turn out well, even if the first thoughts may be critical. The day can be full of obstacles, but these stumbling blocks are surmountable and lead to the foundation stabilizing. It’s a day that makes our minds both querulous and optimistic at the same time. Eventually, we will receive recognition and succeed. Perhaps this will happen on a second path and not the imagined one, but it will be the better one.
Full Moon June 2017
The Full Moon in June takes place on 09 June 2017 at 03:09 pm in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The day will be paved with some mood lows. It is difficult to direct thoughts positively. The desire to withdraw sets in. One’s sensitivity is heightened. Some will experience daydreams or escape into a dream state. Shortly before the weekend, alcohol or other drugs should be avoided if possible. They will lead to conflicts that will be regretted afterwards. Spiritual people experience a day of increased intuitions and perceptions. They dive deeply into other states of consciousness and can expand their abilities. Nevertheless, not everything perceived may correspond to what is desired. Connections that have become obsolete are put to the test today.
Full Moon July 2017
The full moon in July 2017 is on July 9, 2017 at 06:06 am in the zodiac sign Capricorn. With everything that happens today, it is worth a background illumination. The events and developments give conclusions about your own feelings. A self-analysis and review of one’s own position can take place with the current full moon energies. Jealousy and possessiveness germinate. They can be flattering, but also lead to a burden. Rash actions should be avoided. The mood is irritable and moody. A misunderstood word can lead to quarrels even before the day has really begun. Luck seems to have taken a day off for some today. Many things are difficult or do not work out. Humor is the best medicine there. Important conversations or making life-changing decisions should be postponed.
Full Moon August 2017
The full moon is on August 7, 2017 at 08:10 pm in the zodiac sign Aquarius. At the same time there is a partial lunar eclipse. Today, impulsive actions should be avoided. The mood is not easy to handle. The desire for freedom, individuality and creativity is very present. Thoughts of this give rise to feelings of happiness and promote optimism. New contacts and new friendships can develop. It is a good day to plan group activities or to work in a team. Openness to other people and their views will characterize the day. New projects can be started and implemented. Surrounded by like-minded people, they promise to produce good results. In serious conversations, not everything should be believed or put on the wagon.
Full Moon September 2017
The Full Moon in September is on September 6, 2017 at 09:02 am in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This full moon initiates a very exciting phase. Superficial encounters are rejected. The focus is on deep feelings and emotions. In connections, a fusion with the other person is sought. The longing for a spiritual experience increases. Daydreams, fantasies and visions seek a way to us. We are easily dazzled and tend not to let ourselves look into the cards. We should not make important decisions today. The clear and sober view of all facts is missing. The day is suitable to live our own creativity and to let our feelings run free. However, the connection to reality is sometimes lost today.
Full Moon October 2017
The Full Moon in October is on October 5, 2017 at 8:40 pm in the zodiac sign Aries. The day will be a bit stormy. Impetuous and powerful we experience ourselves and our fellow men. Our thoughts are not always quite clear and objective. The general mood is anything but harmonious and optimistic. Compulsive thoughts set in. Those who disregard the feelings and needs of others will have little joy. Our self-presentation appears convincing. The foundation can be laid for solid and well thought-out projects. They become successful and can grow stably. People who want to judge others and impose their opinions on them will not be very successful. In interpersonal encounters, fulfillment is sought through depth.
Full Moon November 2017
The Full Moon in November 2017 is on November 4, 2017 at 06:22 am in the zodiac sign Taurus. The energies of the moon promise an exciting weekend. Pleasure, sensuality and tranquility are sought. Material values must stand up to scrutiny. What does not fit will be optimized in the coming weeks. Well thought-out strategies are crowned with success and fulfillment. As long as the needs of others are respected, we will achieve fame and recognition. With inconsiderateness and egoism a total loss threatens. A phase of assertion and setting clear signs is dawning. These will not be blessed by all with approval, but are considered to be soft places. The energies of the moon let us look into the future with raised head. They strengthen us.
Full Moon Dezember 2017
The last full moon of 2017 is on 03 December 2017 at 04:46 pm in the zodiac sign Gemini. In us germinates the longing for a light atmosphere. Depth, difficulties or clarification of intense issues stress us. This weekend, we should not believe everything that those around us want to serve us. We do not have a clear view. Therefore important decisions or starting new projects are better to postpone. Daydreams, illusions and the world of fantasies has us in its grip. As long as we can enjoy it, we are doing well. However, only the fewest will succeed in doing so. We have good ideas. Unfortunately, they lack a solid foundation. Therefore, we would be well advised to polish and optimize the ideas a little more in the coming period before we go public with them.